Sales in the Client Portal

Configuring Sale Items

To configure sales, go to either:

  • Outreach > Client Portal > \$ Configure Web Sales
  • Sales > Configure Web Sales

Below is the example grid:

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Press “Create New Sales Item” to add an item.

Sales Item

You can sell either a Contract/Package or Account Credits.

  • The contract/package you sell will NOT be able to have a payment plan.
  • You can optionally set an expiration date. After this date, the item will not be available for purchase.


The Allow New Accounts (Customers) to Purchase? Option will allow the item to be displayed on the Sales Portal and directly linked for customers that have not signed in (e.g. new customers who have never been to the studio). Disabling this will require customers to have a client portal account to purchase.

  • If you disable the item, it will not be available for purchase. Items that are expired are never shown for purchase. Items that are disabled are never shown for purchase.
  • The Total Price (including tax) is what the customer is charged. The tax amount, as well as value/each, are for internal book keeping purposes and reports ONLY.

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First, obtain the magic link to the sales portal from the “\$ Configure Web Sales Page”. This is available at the top right of the page. Links will resemble this format (without the [ ] ):


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Below is the example of the studio sales portal for clients that have NOT logged in.

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When a customer clicks “More Info”, they will see the details related to the item available for purchase.

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If a new customer who has never visited the studio before wishes to make a purchase, the client portal will collect their information and create their account.

Upon registration or login, the customer will be presented with a form to collect their payment.

To directly link to a sale item from your website, an email, or social media press the “Get Link” button. The link will be automatically copied to your clipboard. The links will resemble the following (minus the [ ] ):


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This will directly take the customer to the details page and allow for login or registration, then purchase.

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